Law Firm Case Study
Increased conversion rate from 9%
To 20%, which increased sales significantly.
Client Overview
Industry: Law Firm
Location: Southern California
How long in business: 24 years
How many employees: 25
Length of engagement: 2 years 5 months
Executive Summary
Law Firm Case Study
A Law Firm in business for 24 years.
Conversion rate was low while spending millions of dollars On advertising to generate leads. No sales manager.
- Needed to weed out current sales team.
- Result: let one sales person go and repositioned one to another department within the company.
- There was no relationship building and little empathy when talking to prospective clients.
- No sales meetings or sales coaching.
- Lack of communication and trust. Low morale and no positive sales culture.
- No strategizing while on the phone with potential client.
- All salespeople are attorneys/salespeople
Helped the company increase sales $3 Million and increased their average conversion rate of 9% to an average of 20%.
- Implemented Sales Management 2.0
- Started with a half day sales training.
- Implemented bi-monthly sales meetings.
- Implemented one on one bi-monthly coaching sessions.
- Held sales team accountable for entering required data in CRM and completing daily activity tracking reports.
- Revamped commission structure to motivate sales team to sell more.
- Implemented a sales culture, brought everyone together as a team.
- Implemented and ran weekly & monthly sales contests.
- Worked with sales team on the 4 stages of selling: Prospecting, Presenting, Closing & Follow-up.
To learn more about The Novak Group and Sales Management 2.0 Click this link
Contact us at 949-891-1423 or [email protected]